Break away from the “good-enough” shared web hosting and move a step ahead of your competition. The Northern Office offers website hosting to meet your business web hosting needs. Finding reliable, fast and secure hosting in the Philippines has usually been near impossible. To counter this The Northern Office has been offering its clients business hosting for over 10 years from its own servers.
Get the Speed, Performance, and Reliability You Need!
We bring you speed and reliability through our premium hosting as opposed to the "one size fits all" shared hosting services. Our servers are customizable to the last detail and optimized for better search engine optimization (SEO). The Northern Office hosting service offers you the opportunity to achieve the freedom and power to achieve the optimal set of computing resources to meet your unique requirements. Our approach to website hosting beats the conventional single server computing paradigm as it gives way to a higher degree of uptime and performance.
Controlled and Secured Web Hosting Solution
Our server security goes up to 3 layers deep - Administrative, Website, and Server-side. Our security system features an anti-malware and anti-hacking capability. We control your hosting so rest assured that your back-end information is carefully stored and managed.
Frequent On-site and Off-site Backups
To ensure that we can recover your data in case of problems, we employ three types of backups: server-based, onsite and offsite. Backups will be scheduled at least twice a week with your peak times and workloads in mind. Our technical team proactively manages your hosting infrastructure to avert problems before they happen. Anyhow, we do realize that problems happen from time to time and when it occurs, our technical support team is ready to assist. We also make sure to advise our clients whenever we detect faults and recommend actions as well.
Why are our speed, security, and support better? Because we do things most other hosting companies wouldn’t even consider possible! We developed our own solutions to help protect your website from hacks. We invented new techniques that can make your website run over a many times faster. And we have amazing, fast, experienced and helpful individuals working in our support team.
Top Hardware
Our server uses the latest LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP7.x) technology. This coupled with solid state drives (SSD) for storage, fast Intel processors and large RAM storage give our clients some of the fastest and most reliable website hosting available in the Philippines.
Multi-Location & CDN
We offer hosting in the US, Europe, and SE Asia. Our website hosting benefits from integrated content delivery network (CDN) with over 20 locations. Bespoke CDN systems are also available for high traffic sites.
Layered Cache System
The Northern Office applies a server 3-layer caching system to its business website hosting. Static, Dynamic and Memcache as well as highly effective website caching
Results are measured against 5 industry standard testing platforms but most importantly our websites are tested against real-life use.
The Northern Office offers you quality web hosting solution that is scalable, secured and high performing. Call us at (0)45 499 1082 today for a free quote!