Wednesday, 06 August 2014 00:00

How to drumbeat Content Marketing on Your Business Website?

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The digital revolution has changed the business world. A recent study estimates that over 90% of marketers rely on social media to promote their products and services with the help of online advertising tools. Most of you think that writing an article which is used for advertising purposes is as easy as 1-2-3 but the truth is content marketing can be one of the biggest challenges any writer or internet marketer can face. Counting on enticing and shareable articles at the same time can be exhausting at some point knowing that you need to consistently keep an eye on what topic is hot or is a flop in the internet community. But, do you need to do it alone? Of course you won’t have to. Readers can also be good contributors of unique and enticing content. Here are some ways on how to make content marketing somewhat easier:

  • Online Polls

Your followers have their own insights and opinions about your brand and all you need to do is ask them. Online polls or surveys can help you gain valuable insights on their overall impression about your content (and brand, service or product) which can lead you to better content management.

  • Offer a Lending Hand to Your Fans

Building an effective content engagement relationship between a company and its consumers is not hard if you know how to return the favour. Posting an online survey is a favour you will ask from your followers to get their valuable insights about your website, but, what will they get from it? Take a look on the user profile of your followers and try to figure out their needs based on the products and services you can provide. If you are an owner of a clothing line, why not suggest a few tips to your younger audience on how to find the best prom/school dance dress?

  • Delegate a Portion of the Job to Your Avid Followers

Improving your site’s reputation and likeability can be more powerful if there are fans or consumers who collaborate with you. Most of the social media pages nowadays encourage their followers to submit photos, videos or even stories on how they enjoy their products and services. This content marketing approach can be more effective if it goes along with a promo or contest.

  • Create More Challenging Content

Challenge your followers by asking them random questions or polls that help them (and you) gain informative and useful answers that are also worth sharing. Just make sure that your choice of topics is still aligned with what your brand or company can offer. The gist of this article is how to continuously entice your audience to contribute, discuss and interact through more powerful subjects or course of topics that will help you promote your website through earned media rather than paid media.

This examination of the importance of why content must be good quality, original, attractively presented and accessible, demonstrates exactly what The Northern Office has been doing for its clients for nearly 10 years.  We would like to hear from you! Call us at +63 (0)45 499 1082 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read 1003 times Last modified on Wednesday, 25 March 2015 14:03